How To Connect Your Convertri Account With ClickDesigns

In this article, you'll learn the easy step-by-step integration of your Convertri account with your ClickDesigns account.


Before anything else, make sure that you have an active Convertri account. The first that you have to do is login to your ClickDesigns account and grab your API key.

Just hover over your profile and click on "Settings" on top righthand side corner of your dashboard.


Then click on the API tab and copy your API key from your account.


Login to your Convertri account and click on "Account" on top righthand side corner of your dashboard.

Then, click "Integrations" on the left pane pf your dashboard.


Then you'll see the ClickDesigns logo on the page. Just hover your mouse over the logo and click "Setup"


Then a new window will pop up and thats where you can add the API key that you copied from your ClickDesigns account.

Just paste the API key inside the box and hit "Save".

So, that is how easy it is to integrate your Convertri account with your ClickDesigns account.

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