How To Get Started With Logos

In this article, you'll learn the basics of creating Logos with ClickDesigns.


After you've logged into your ClickDesigns account and are on your dashboard, click on the "Templates" section at the top of your navigation bar.

From the "Templates" section, choose the "Logos" category.

To create a Logo with ClickDesigns, you have the option to utilize the ClickDesigns Logo Maker. To do this, simply click on the "Start From Scratch" button, select "Logos," and enter a file name.


This is going to launch the ClickDesigns Logo Maker. Here, you can choose different Logo templates and even view each template by category. Once you find a Logo you want to work with, simply hover over it and click "Use Template."


With the ClickDesigns Editor opened up on our Logo, you have the ability to create whatever Logo you'd like based on the given template.

First, let's start by changing the color of the Logo's illustration. You can do this by selecting the illustration and adjusting the hex color code to your liking.


Next, let's try changing the text and text design. To do this, simply click on the body of text. This is going to open up the "Text Settings" where you can adjust and edit your Logo name to your liking.


There you have it! Once you're done with your logo, don't forget to click on the "Save Logo" button above.

Clicking on the "Export" button is going to save your Logo to your local drive, where you can click on the "Exit" button right after to go back to your ClickDesigns dashboard.

And Voila! That's how easy it is to seamlessly create and edit Logos on ClickDesigns.

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